Today’s passage: 1 Timothy 4:6-16
Helpful thoughts:
- The “these things” in verse 6 is the same as it was in 3:14. This refers to all the instruction thus far in the epistle.
- The ends of verse 6 and verse 7 go together. Carefully following doctrine with sincerity will result in a growing Christian. Knowing the truth will bear fruit in progressively doing that which is pleasing to the Lord.
- Timothy is believed to have been in his 30’s at the time Paul wrote this epistle. Paul encourages him to be more mindful of how he is growing and teaching than how old he is. As Timothy grew spiritually, it would benefit all those to whom he ministered.
Questions to consider:
- When people differentiate between head knowledge of Scripture and putting our faith into action (Doing things to serve), why isn’t it right to think they exist apart from each other? If a person wants to act and has ne regard for good doctrine, what do they forfeit? If a person pursues much good doctrine and doesn’t respond with action, what are they missing?
- Will a Christian in their 60’s or 70’s always be more spiritually mature than a Christian in their 30’s or 40’s? What variables are at play? Why is it wrong to simply assume spiritually maturity (Or the lack thereof) with age? Why does it make sense that a Christian who is 20 ought to expect they will be more mature in their faith when to are in their later years?
- All Christians are given spiritual gifts, and they vary from person to person. This is by God’s design! How can you utilize the gift God gave you for the church today?