Today’s passage: Galatians 2:15-16
Helpful thoughts:
- Paul is not implying that Jews are not sinners. Since the Gentile people did not follow the Law, the Jews would look at them as greater sinners by comparison.
- Justified = Being declared not guilty, being counted as righteous.
- When we go before the judge, we are asked if we are guilty of the crimes accused.
- Doing three nice things on the day of the trial does not mean I am not guilty of the crime I previously committed.
- Justification does not come through doing good works or being less evil than others.
- Justification comes only through faith in Jesus Christ.
- Salvation has always been by God’s grace through faith.
- Job 19:25
- Abraham (Romans 4:3, Genesis 15:6)
- David (Romans 4:6-8, Psalm 32:1-2)
- Habakkuk 2:4
Questions to consider:
- What is the problem with a person thinking they are “good enough” to go to heaven? What is their measuring standard?
- How does the practice of Jewish people calling Gentiles “sinners” show they were caught up in comparisons?
- Whose righteousness is the true standard of “good enough” and whose righteousness is put to our account for our justification?