Today’s passage: Galatians 2:17-21
Helpful thoughts:
- The Jews called Gentiles “sinners” because they didn’t know or follow the Law.
- But, the Jews had the Law and failed to follow it! Therefore, they knew they were sinners and they knew exactly why they were sinners.
- Paul’s argument:
- If Christ successfully fulfilled the Law (Which He did) and
- If the Jews and Gentiles who believe are now united together in Christ by faith (Which they are),
- Then to say we still are required to follow the Law makes Jesus a false teacher and a promoter of sin and it makes His death on the cross worthless.
- Jesus’ death on the cross is the full payment of death that I deserve because of my sin.
- So, when Jesus (Who by faith I have been united with) died in my place, I died. My account already has been served a capital punishment and separation from God.
- Dead people don’t follow the Law…or break it.
- Dead people don’t suffer consequences. They’re already dead.
- Now, your life is not your life. It’s Jesus’ life. It’s Jesus’ resurrection.
- So, when Jesus (Who by faith I have been united with) died in my place, I died. My account already has been served a capital punishment and separation from God.
Questions to consider:
- Why would requiring obedience to the Law negate the effects of Jesus’ death on the cross?
- How does the idea of dying with Jesus and rising up with Him give you a better perspective on your sin as a believer? Why should we fight against sin and pursue righteousness?
- How does your identity in Christ change your desires and goals for life? Whose life are we thinking about when we consider what we want to be when we “grow up”?