Today’s passage: Galatians 3:15-18
Helpful thoughts:
- This passage continues the thoughts from verse 14, “So that in Christ Jesus, the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith.”
- If man’s covenants cannot be annulled or added to, God’s should be considered that much more irrevocable.
- Paul confirms that in Genesis 22:18, God was promising the blessing of the nations through Jesus Christ.
- The Law did not replace the promise of the coming Christ. Nor did the Law the fulfill that promise. The Law and the promise were never meant to compete with each other.
Questions to consider:
- How would the Israelites have confused the promise of Christ to Abraham and the promise of their existence as a nation including their Law?
- If the Law was never intended to annul the promise of Christ, what was it’s purpose? (See Romans 3:20 and this helpful article)
- How does the fact that these promises came from God make them sure? Why are God’s promises bound to be fulfilled?