Today’s passage: Isaiah 48
Helpful thoughts:
- James 1:22-25 – Be a doer of the Word of God and not a hearer only.
- Israel declared themselves God’s people, yet “faith without works is dead”…and “there is no peace for the wicked.”
- God will not give His glory to another. No one else deserves it!
- God must always defend His great name.
- The “new things” God announces to Israel speak of the Messiah (Verses 14-17) and of the “Babylon” of the book of Revelation.
Questions to consider:
- Why might this rebuke have come as a surprise to the people? Who did they think they were? How did they see themselves? Will a person who calls themselves a Christian ever assume they are not one? How are you growing in being a doer of the Word?
- Why is it so important for us that God guards His glory and honor? Whose people are we? What does our salvation rest in? If God failed to be glorious, what would that make of our faith and our hope?
- Why can you have peace in your heart in the midst of these days? What has God done for us through Christ that took away our “wicked” standing? What will Jesus do no matter what the world thinks it can accomplish?