Today’s passage: John 12:44-50
Helpful thoughts:
- Jesus did not come to judge in his first advent, He came to save. But, judgment will be given to Him (John 5:22).
- To obey God’s commandment to believe in Jesus Christ is eternal life for the believer.
- To reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is to disobey God’s command and to remain in darkness (Which is where we all naturally begin, in sin).
- To believe in Jesus Christ is to believe in God the Father.
- To reject Jesus Christ is to reject God altogether.
Questions to consider:
- Who appears to exercise ultimate authority within the Godhead? Is the Son inferior to the Father (The answer is no…)? How does submission within the Godhead help us to better understand the definition of submission as it relates to human relationships? Why isn’t submission or authority an identifier of greater or lesser worth?
- What did God do for you when you believed in Jesus? By God’s grace, what happened to you? What is the eternal consequence of your salvation?
- What does it mean now to walk in the light (1 John 1:5-10)? What was the immediate significance of your conversion? How does life begin to change?