Today’s passage: Zephaniah 3
Helpful thoughts:
- Verses 1-7 are talking about Jerusalem. This description is shocking.
- Even when His people act corruptly, God always remains righteous and just (Verse 5).
- Verses 14-15 are talking about Jerusalem. After reading the first 7 verses, these final 7 verses could be just as shocking!
Questions to consider:
- What will be the reason things are made right in the end (Verse 9)? Who is going to bring about the perfect kingdom?
- How are the people described in verses 9-13? What characteristics stick out the most to you and why? What does it mean to be humble and lowly? What will it be like to live with no fear? How can God’s grace enable us to pursue those attributes even now?
- If Jerusalem is/was what verses 1-7 say they were/are, then what has to happen to allow for verses 14-20 to happen? How will God populate this city with people who praise His name (Ezekiel 36:22-28)? How is God’s glorious grace being put on display?