Today’s passage: Proverbs 23
Helpful thoughts:
- We are children of the King, no other ruler should be able to lure us away from our allegiance.
- Verses 10 and 11 remind us of Boaz the kinsman redeemer for Ruth and Naomi. Even if there is no family left to redeem the family’s legacy and land, God Himself will intervene.
- People might get away with injustice in this world and in this lifetime. God will prove to be the perfect judge.
- It is not unloving to discipline a child. It is unloving to allow them to go into the world without discipline.
- God disciplines His children because He loves them. (Hebrews 12:5-11)
- The “redness” of the wine in verse 31 refers to the higher concentration of alcohol. If there was less water diluting the fermented mixture, the drink would be a darker red. This is also referred to as “strong drink” in the scriptures.
- One of the many dangers of drunkenness is that it seems to soften the blow of the negative consequences of our actions (Verse 35). Like a self-prescribed medication for the pain caused by our sin. When we don’t feel the pain, we won’t seek the cure (In this case, repentance).
Questions to consider:
- If we work our whole lives to be rich, how will we view possessions and people? How might we treat them? How would we measure our success in life? How would that compare or contrast to the commands to love God and love our neighbor?
- What are we forgetting we already have when we begin to envy the lost? What is sadly true about their hopes and the greatest things they may obtain? How long will they last? How can we be truly content (Philippians 4:10-13)
- Which proverbs stuck out the most to you? How can you put it into practice today?
Lord, we praise you! You are our Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, and King! You have loved us in our sinful condition. You have purchased us through the blood of Jesus. You have given us eternal life. You have called us to live lives that will matter for eternity. You have promised us eternal reward as joint-heirs with Christ. Nothing on the face of this earth could ever compare to what you have already provided to us. Nothing on the face of this earth could ever compare to you. May these truths ground us and give us a pure and abounding contentment as they should. May they drive us to pursue righteousness. And when we do sin, though we often would rather mask the pain, Lord instead please grant us repentance for the good of others around us, for our own good, and for your glory.