Today’s passage: 2 Peter 3:8-10
Helpful thoughts:
- Verse 8 is intended to teach that God is eternal. He sees the whole picture while we are limited in our perspective. He sees the end of our suffering while we persevere within it.
- This verse does not support Deism; the idea that God is aloof to time or what is happening at any given moment in the details of our lives. This idea would be the exact opposite of the appropriate meaning given the context.
- God is patient toward “you”.
- “You” is the beloved. The beloved is the Church, believers.
- None of the beloved will perish. All will reach repentance, be saved, and avoid perishing.
- God’s judgment will be so comprehensive that nothing in the universe will be left untouched. No works, no suffering will be overlooked.
Questions to consider:
- For the Christian, how does God’s omniscience (He knows everything) and eternality (He created time and exists outside of its constraints) bring comfort?
- How does looking at the big picture (Eternity, being one of God’s elect, seeing God’s grace in my life and for my sin, etc.) help us to be patient concerning God’s response to the messed up ways of the world?
- What could we also learn today about using Bible verses to support our beliefs? How does context help us? How do we struggle to understand Scripture when we bring our beliefs to the text instead of letting the text inform our beliefs?