Today’s passage: Daniel 7:15-28
Helpful thoughts:
- “The saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, forever and ever.” That’s us!
- The eleventh horn that becomes great is the Anti-Christ.
- He makes war with the saints (See note above…)
- The judgment of the Ancient of Days (God the Father) will put an end to the work of the Anti-Christ.
- A time, times and half a time = a year, two years and a half year = 3.5 years.
- The second half of the Anti-Christ’s time in power (The seven year Tribulation) will be a time of great persecution for the saints.
Questions to consider:
- Why was Daniel right to be so alarmed by everything he had just seen? What time did God reveal to him?
- Who is going to make everything right? Who is going to judge righteously and usher in the kingdom that lasts forever?
- How do God’s promises of victory and the kingdom give you confidence and rest even in the midst of trial…or even persecution?