Today’s passage: Proverbs 28
Helpful thoughts:
- It’s really hard to become paranoid when you haven’t done anything wrong. If there’s nothing to hide, when our consciences are clear, we have freedom.
- If people didn’t do any wrong, we wouldn’t need to be governed or policed. Because we all do commit sinful acts, even our authorities are fallible. This world is under the curse of sin. Come, Lord Jesus!
- Even when we do sin, there is a path to freedom…confession and repentance (Verse 13). Our God is merciful!
- Follow Christ and God’s word, not your heart. (Verse 26)
Questions to consider:
- When we pray, we are communicating with God. When we read the Bible, He is communicating with us. (Verse 9) What therefore should be characteristic of our relationship with God? How do we know that we are drawing near to Him and Him to us? When are we truly spending time with Him?
- What would verse 21 teach us about our allegiances? To whom must our ultimate allegiance be given? Who is the only one we could give our total support without fear of being driven into sinful actions?
- What proverbs stuck out the most to you today? How can you put it into practice today?
Father, thank you for your mercy! Thank you for giving us Christ. Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for repentance. And, thank you for bringing us into your kingdom! I pray that we as Christians would be faithful to you and to each other to live in such a way that we could be bold for the Gospel as we represent you here on this earth. We pray for the evil that we see in the world and the hurt that it causes and look forward to the day when Christ will return. Lord, work in our hearts to long for your word that we would walk wisely and pray in right earnestness and reverence.