The new year is coming!
Many of us are surely thinking about what we would like to accomplish in this new year (And new decade!), from things we want to fix around the house, to financial goals, vacation plans, perhaps even reducing inches around the waist…
Let me encourage you as well to be on board with God’s plan for you “to be conformed to the image of his Son.” (Romans 8:29) and to “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14).
I wanted to share with you some links to websites and articles that can be a great help to you as you prayerfully consider how you can grow closer to Christ this year:
- This article from Desiring God would be a great tool to help you process and decide on your goals.
- This page from Ligonier Ministries contains 17 different Bible reading plans!
- If you know you want to read more books this year but don’t know how to decide which books to read, try this reading challenge from pastor and blogger Tim Challies.
- Please don’t forget that on this very site you can find a devotional every morning!
Last week, we learned a valuable lesson from the efforts of the wise men. Their vigorous pursuit of God resulted in a greater desire to worship. It can be hard to get started on a new plan or to simply grow in these spiritual disciplines. BUT, if our goal in pursuing the disciplines is to know Him more and to know Him better (More accurately) our desire to further that knowledge and relationship will only expand and intensify. Our joy in Christ will only increase.
So, First Baptist Church, let’s plan to enjoy Jesus Christ more this year…on purpose!
May we seek out the King and worship Him faithfully in 2020.