Tips For Parents, Teachers and Helpers
Whenever teaching some of the most well known stories of the Bible to children and teens it’s easy to forget that all of our teaching should lead back to Jesus. All of God’s Word is really intended to do this. Sometimes we forget and make a character in the story the main character and point of the story when really we ought to be taking our children and students always back to Christ.
I’ve been greatly encouraged with this theme lately in a series of articles on the website of Dr. David Prince. I encourage everyone to read the article linked below, but especially parents, teachers and all who work with our children and teens.
As Todd Martin writes in the article…
“In teaching children, it is a good moment when they start saying, “You always seem to talk about Jesus dying on the cross and rising again.” The cross and empty grave are the focal points of the whole Bible, the center of the Gospel, and all Scripture is interpreted rightly in light of them. The myriad of Bible stories gives opportunities to approach these deep truths from many angles to show their multi-faceted splendor. The miracle of the healing of the leper shows how the cross triumphs over our uncleanness, the miracle of Jairus’ daughter raised to life shows how the cross triumphs over death, and… in the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000, we see how Jesus eternally supplies through the cross what we are lacking.”
I praise God for each of you who is seeking to raise your children in the truths of God’s Word and for each of you who teach, instruct and work with our children and teens. I think you will be greatly encouraged and helped by reading this whole article: A Simple Guide to Reading and Applying the Bible [to kids] with Jesus as the Hero – Jesus feeds the 5,000 (John 6).
–Pastor Kevin