Be our guest this Easter Sunday! We’re planning a very special Easter Sunday worship service for March 27 at 10:45 AM. Plan now to bring your family for this special time celebrating together the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please note that we will have one combined service with no Sunday School and no Junior Church on this day. Nursery will be provided.
Activities canceled 3/2/16
Due to weather and cancellation of Mt. Pleasant public schools today all activities are canceled tonight 3/2/16.
WHAT – Fellowship groups consisting of four family/single units who will meet for fellowship and can include sharing of prayer requests. Each group will meet FOUR times over a four – five month period with each group choosing their days and time to meet.
WHERE – Each family takes a turn hosting their group for a simple meal or snack time. Possible alternatives to hosting a meal:
- Have a “favorite” snack night
- Have a group potluck
- Order out for pizza or Chinese or…
HOW – If you would like to participate in CONNECT Groups, please sign up on the bulletin board by the nursery or contact the church office. Groups will be created seeking to blend the generations. On Sunday evening, March 20 we will have a snack fellowship for those who sign up to inform us of our fellowship group assignment and meet briefly together to select the first host and possible dates for your group to meet.
Questions? – See Woody or Dottie Lehr or Pastor Kevin
Activities tonight canceled
Due to forecasted inclement weather all activities at First Baptist Church, Mt. Pleasant, MI are canceled for tonight 2/24/16.
10 Reasons For Celebrating The Birth of Christ
Recently we completed our series of sermons studying through the book of Hebrews. Start to finish the focus is on Christ and His supremacy over all.
I’ve also been challenging our church family in the past couple of weeks to be certain that if you choose to celebrate Christmas that you are certain to celebrate the Christ of Christmas.
Along those lines I thought it fitting as we approach Christmas day to walk back through the book of Hebrews to show you just ten reasons among many for celebrating the birth of Christ, no matter what the season.
Here are three of the reasons. You’ll find the rest and the scriptures to go with them on my blog.
We should celebrate the birth of Christ…
- Because, through Christ God makes himself known to us. (Hebrews 1:2)
- Because, Jesus, the founder of our salvation suffered on our behalf fully paying and cancelling our sin debt and in so doing destroyed the power of sin and the devil, liberating believers from lifelong slavery to such. (Hebrews 2:10, Hebrews 2:14-15)
- Because, having finished the work of cancelling our sin debt we now through faith in Christ find rest in His rest. (Hebrews 4:3)
See the whole article here: 10 Reasons From The Book of Hebrews For Celebrating The Birth of Christ
Read the Bible in 2016
You might be surprised at the encouragement and spiritual growth you experience with a systematic approach to Bible reading in the new year. Plans are available at the information desk and several more, as well as a Bible Reading plan app for your smart phone, can be found here at our resources page.
Winter Blast 2016, January 15-17
Junior and Senior Highers, plan now to join us for Winter Blast 2016. Get more info and register online for the weekend of January 15-17 at The Springs Camp.
And please See Barrett & Michelle Lehr or Joel Papenfus if you plan to attend.
Every Good Gift
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights
with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
-James 1:17
We believe the Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God. We trust the Scripture focus for December will encourage and challenge you to commit God’s Word to memory that you might be changed and equipped by it.
Looking to Jesus
Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. -Hebrews 12:2
We believe the Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God. We trust the Scripture focus for November will encourage and challenge you to commit God’s Word to memory that you might be changed and equipped by it.
A great Trunk-or-Treat 2015
We had a great trunk-or-treat on October 24th.
Thank you to everyone who made it all possible.
Enjoy a few photos from the event. Click a photo to view a slideshow.
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