Today’s passage: Exodus 5
Helpful thoughts:
- As the task of calling on Pharaoh to “let the people go” begins, the testing of the faith of Israel (Moses included) also begins.
- Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and declared, “Thus says the Lord” (Verse 1). The Egyptians responded with, “Thus says Pharaoh” (Verse 10). Pharaoh was a god to the Egyptians. Israel would not be permitted to go serve their God. They would remain and continue to serve Pharaoh instead.
- The burdens and complaints of the people took Moses’ eyes away from what God had already promised was going to happen.
Questions to consider:
- What is the answer to Pharaoh’s first question in verse 2? Did Pharaoh have an obligation to obey the Lord of the Israelites? Why so? Is there anyone who isn’t accountable to Him (Even if that person is a “god” to many others)?
- Though we certainly could sympathize with the Israelite people, what does it appear they wanted most in this moment? They had God, but they were frustrated with God and God’s chosen leader for His people if they didn’t get what?
- What are some hardships in this life that can take our eyes away from God, even if He has told us in His Word what He is doing? How important is it to give our regular attention to God’s Word, so that we can remember who He is and what He has promised?