Today’s passage: 1 Timothy 3:14-16
Helpful thoughts:
- “These things” Paul wrote to Timothy refers to all of the instruction that preceded this verse from the first three chapters of the epistle.
- Verse 15 serves as a theme for the epistle. Paul’s distance from Timothy benefitted us all. These instructions reveal to us how the church ought to function.
- Verse 16 contains what is believed to be an early hymn sung by the churches.
- It’s inclusion is used by Paul as motivation to pursue the instructions given. We might sometimes ask if it’s that big of a deal to observe all of these commands, especially when so many are calling them into question. But, when we remember whose church we are, it is absolutely a big deal. Our Lord is worthy of our absolute loyalty, obedience and love.
- The church is the “house of God.” (Verse 15) It (Or we) belong to Him.
Questions to consider:
- What does this hymn in verse 16 reveal? Who was manifested in the flesh? Whose righteousness was vindicated (Who proved to be entirely righteous?)? Who among men was seen by angels before and after his taking on flesh? Preached to the nations and believed on? And who ascended in glory?
- What does Christ’s resurrection and ascension prove about who He is and what He successfully accomplished at the cross? How can we be encouraged in what we sing as a church by this example of biblical, gospel-centered doctrine in song?
- It can be easy sometimes to get caught up in what people want the church to be…but in truth, who does the church (The people of God) exist to please and glorify? When we are thinking about what the church ought to be, who alone has the authority to tell us what we should be doing and even how to do it?