Today’s passage: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Helpful thoughts:
- The Holy Spirit doesn’t lead people to blaspheme God. He leads people to worship and follow Jesus.
- This statement should sound obvious to us. But from the perspective of these former pagans, the idea of being controlled by the Spirit made them think of some strange things. Those strange experiences resulted in misunderstandings concerning gifting from the Spirit for Christian service.
- Spiritual gifts are not given to us for our own enjoyment or to promote ourselves. They are gifts given for “the common good” (Verse 7). We get them to give them for the benefit of others to the glory of God.
- The gifts listed in this passage are not an exhaustive list. There really isn’t an exhaustive list anywhere in the Bible.
- The point of spiritual gifts is not to discover what special tool we have been given and then declare it publicly or pigeon hole ourselves in a way that restricts or limits our service to just one area of ministry.
- The point of the gifting of the Holy Spirit is that when Christians serve Jesus and one another, the Spirit works through us in special ways. From what I can tell, there may not always be a special name listed in Scripture for the myriad of ways Christians love and serve others.
- As is still often the case today, many in the Corinthian church preferred gifts that were flashier than others so as to have the “superior” gifts to flaunt. Their consumeristic mindset also tainted their view of spiritual gifts.
- Many gifts were exercised during the early years of the church (Sometimes called the Apostolic age, the Apostolic gifts) for the purpose of validating the word being proclaimed. Once the churches were established and the Gospel had spread, those gifts ceased to be seen or reported. They did not “appear” to be in use again until the charismatic movement began in the early 20th century.
Questions to consider:
- What appears to be the purpose of the Spirit’s gifting of believers? Who are they for?
- In what ways have you been especially blessed by the Christians around you? In what ways have you seen the Lord blessing your service of others? Thank God for it!
- If you are wondering what ways you might be gifted, how would serving and talking with other Christians about it help you? Where are you serving? What things motivate you to serve and to serve well?