Today’s passage: 2 Corinthians 2:12-17
Helpful thoughts:
- Paul was concerned about Titus and the health of the church in Corinth when Titus proved unable to leave Corinth to join him in ministry in Troas.
- “Open doors” are not signs from God that you’re supposed to go through. An open door is simply an open door. If the “door is open” and it would be pleasing to God, go for it. If the “door is open” but Scriptural principles make it clear it’s not a good thing to do (Or that there is an even better/more pressing option), don’t do it. The Word of God gives us what we need to discern.
- As Christians follow Christ and speak the gospel, we will make an impact and garner responses from all kinds of people.
- To those who hear and believe, we are a blessing.
- To those who hear and reject, we are a nuisance (Or worse).
- Both responses bring glory to God in the end.
- Our ministry of evangelism and discipleship is not a gimmick. We aren’t to put up appearances or try to sell people on Jesus. We are to live in sincerity and speak the truth to those who are perishing, honestly desiring their salvation.
Questions to consider:
- What are the pitfalls of the “Open door” method of trying to discern God’s directive will? How could it lead a person astray?
- Why do the positive and negative responses to the “aroma of Christ” both glorify God in the end? Why is God to be praised when sinners repent and are justified? How is God’s righteousness and justice displayed through those who reject Him?
- To whom are you spreading the aroma of Christ? Who could you pray for and share the gospel with today/this week?