Today’s passage: Psalm 1
Helpful thoughts:
- Walking is the course of life, the journey (e.g. “Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.” – Colossians 1:10), standing implies relationship, sitting implies a permanent dwelling.
- Another way to say “day and night” would be, any time and all the time.
- Remember, righteousness comes as a gift of God’s grace through faith (Romans 3:21-22).
- If you are in Christ, you are a tree planted by streams of water. (Wind won’t blow you away!)
- If you are in Christ, you were made to thirst (Delight) for the water.
- If you are in Christ, you are blessed as you delightedly meditate on God’s Word!
- If you are in Christ, your delighted meditations will result in a changed life (The way of the righteous).
Questions to consider:
- On a given day, who do you hear from the most? (Count everything from family to co-workers and from reading to television/radio.) How are you doing at avoiding the counsel, the way and the seat of those who are like chaff?
- Is it right to just altogether avoid the wicked in order to avoid their potential influence? What is a Christian who delights in the Word of God prepared to do?
- What delights you? If you are a Christian who feels as though your leaf has withered, where should you go to be fed and watered?