Today’s passage: 1 Chronicles 16:1-43
Helpful thoughts:
- With the Ark now placed in the Tabernacle, the Levites were able to get busy with their appointed regular responsibilities as God had commanded.
- The words of David’s Psalm are found again in Psalms 96, 105, and 106.
- For a nation that had already worshipped so many false gods, and even for a time like today when truth and morality are treated as relative, verse 26 is incredibly important.
- God is the maker of the heavens. Any other form of worship or the lack thereof is wrong, sinful and destructive.
Questions to consider:
- With the Tabernacle up, the Levites in service and the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem, how big of a day was this for Israel? Why would it have been so important?
- What components of David’s Psalms encourage you most? What do we learn about God in these words?
- Knowing that God is Creator and Lord of all, how should we really see the souls of other people around the world and in our neighborhoods who do not know Him? The world says that we should accept and even approve others in their choices in life, even when God calls their actions sinful. What would God have us do (Matthew 28:19-20)?