Today’s passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Helpful thoughts:
- Bodies have members and members make up the body. Every member is needed.
- When a member of the body is hurting or not functioning, the rest of the body is impacted in appropriate ways. When a member of the body is fit and active, the rest of the body is impacted in appropriate ways.
- Members of the church at Corinth wanted the same gifts (Or the same gift) because of what they thought it would do for them personally.
- When enough individuals want everything to work for their own benefit, it ends up killing the body…and eventually there will be nothing left to benefit the individual.
- Every member of the body needs to do their part, then everyone benefits.
Questions to consider:
- What was the “benefit” those in the Corinthian church were looking for? How would a healthy serving Christian redefine what the “benefits” of church membership and service are?
- How have you been blessed by the ministry of others in various aspects in the church? How have you been a blessing to others? What does this passage look like (How is it exemplified) in our church?
- There are passages like this in scripture which speak to service in the church, and others that appear to speak about ways we can be salt and light by serving in the community. How do you balance serving in the church (Serving fellow church members) and living out your faith in the community AS the church?