Today’s passage: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Helpful thoughts:
- The Greeks loved rhetoric. The art of making a case and speaking intelligently, presenting an argument was highly sought after and respected.
- Because this was true, Paul purposefully kept his presentation of the gospel simple and to the point.
- As tempting as it might have been for Paul to gain a following, Paul could be nobody’s savior. They didn’t need Paul! They needed Paul to point them to Jesus!
- Power does not proceed from eloquence. The Spirit of God does not need fluidity of speech to supplement His strength.
- God is the possessor and creator of all power.
- Therefore, the simple proclamation of the gospel conveys the power of God.
Questions to consider:
- What is the gospel? How does the gospel reveal the power of God (Romans 1:16-17)?
- If the gospel reveals the power of God, if proclaiming the gospel demonstrates God’s power, what wrong thinking causes us to fear other people’s responses? Can the response of man ever overwhelm the power of God?
- Who would you like to share the gospel with next?