Today’s passage: 1 John 2:15-17
Helpful thoughts:
- It is impossible to love the things of this world and to love God at the same time. You will always be loving one and hating the other. (Matthew 6:24)
- John gives three avenues for sinful desire:
- The desires of the flesh – This is the natural internal desire of sinful man. Another way to say it; “Follow your heart.” (Jeremiah 17:9)
- The desires of the eyes – This world seeks to stimulate through visual appeal. (Psalm 101:3-4)
- The pride of life – We naturally desire full autonomy. “I will be my own master! I can do whatever I want!” (Proverbs 16:18)
- Since this is how we are in our natural sinful condition, it will feel right to the natural person to pursue the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and the pride of life. People can feel empowered and free when they do the very things that will bring about their destruction.
Questions to consider:
- If God called his Creation of the world, “Very good” and if He commanded us to “love your neighbor as yourself”, what does “Do not love the world” mean?
- What are some aspects/agendas of the world concerning morality and society that are directly at odds with God’s will and design?
- How many different places have you seen or heard the encouragement to “follow your heart”? Why does it make sense that the world would encourage this? Why is it such terrible counsel?