Today’s passage: 1 John 5:13-15
Helpful thoughts:
- Verse 13 serves as the theme verse of this letter.
- This assurance of our salvation gives us confidence to pray. God listens to the prayers of his children.
- The qualifier given in the promise for God’s answer: Our prayers are to be “according to His will.”
Questions to consider:
- In what ways has this book strengthened your confidence in your salvation? How has and how is God continuing to work in your life? In what ways were you challenged to grow?
- Where does our confidence to talk to God come from? Who has provided us with this standing and privilege? Why can we be so bold as to ask God to do things?
- What does it mean to ask for things that are “according to His will”? What might be some examples of prayers that are against God’s will and some that are according to God’s will?