Today’s passage: 1 Samuel 12:1-25
Helpful thoughts:
- After Samuel’s public proclamation of innocence and faithful service, he instructs the nation:
- Who they are
- Why they exist
- Who gave them freedom
- Who brought blessing on them…and who didn’t (False gods)
- How they responded in disobedience
- How God had responded in justice, and mercy and grace
- That sinning in the past does not mean you cannot move forward in obedience, though the consequences of past choices can make things more complicated
- The people responded to these clear declarations by confessing their sin and asking for prayer.
Questions to consider:
- How could we write our own story of God’s goodness to us in the Gospel? Why do we have every reason to love Him with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength?
- Why doesn’t the Lord forsake His people (Verse 22)? Why is the Lord’s reputation so utterly important? Who is He? If He ceased to be trustworthy, what would be the result?
- God’s mercies are new every morning. What might you need to confess and turn from? What has God’s Word instructed you to do today?