Today’s passage: 1 Samuel 16:14-23
Helpful thoughts:
- As soon as we read of the Spirit of the LORD rushing upon David in verse 13, we see He has left Saul in verse 14.
- In place of the Spirit of the LORD, God sent Saul a spirit (An angel?) to torment him.
- Saul was suffering judgment, but also being used by God to bring David to a place of prominence in Israel.
- Saul’s servant believed that music was the key to removing God’s judgment. And, when introducing David, thought of five characteristics that were of first importance to mention before, “the Lord is with him.”
- By God’s divine plan, David became the only person who could help Saul in his distress. And Saul greatly enjoyed David, as long as David made him feel better.
Questions to consider:
- Why was David’s playing so effective for Saul? Was it really just because David was musically gifted? What do you think was happening here?
- Why did Saul like David so much…for now? In what way did Saul’s effort to find immediate relief avoid the actual problem he was having? What was Saul’s greatest problem? What was the solution?
- How did God take care of our greatest problem? How can the gospel message help us during times of other lesser difficulties?