Today’s passage: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Helpful thoughts:
- There is a bit of a theme developing: Steadfastness of hope, joy in the midst of affliction, boldness in the midst of conflict.
- Paul, Silas and Timothy’s boldness was exercised in preaching the Gospel. It was not exercised in coercing, flattering, or pursuing personal gain.
- Success was not achieved through tactics and rhetoric. This would have made Paul the hero.
- Success was achieved by the work of the Holy Spirit through the humble and bold preaching of the Gospel. God is the hero!
- Life coaches want you to like and share them on social media. Mothers care for their precious children even when everyone else is sleeping, with no expectation of fanfare or medals, because of love.
Questions to consider:
- How does a healthy church grow?
- Where do pastors/elders have to guard their hearts in this day and age of social media, podcasts, publishing contracts, etc.? Utilizing these mediums isn’t wrong, but what desires of the heart could make them become destructive?
- Where do Christians need to guard their hearts in this day and age of social media, podcasts, publishing contracts, etc.? Why do you need the local church? Your pastor(s)? Your deacon(s)? Your fellowship?