Today’s passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
Helpful thoughts:
- Guess what God’s will is for your life… Your sanctification! God has called Christians to holiness.
- People who do not know God are expected to live one way. People who do know God are expected to increasingly live another way.
- Being rudely and/or hypocritically judgmental is not good. However, feeling like you have been “judged” by another person is not a right excuse to continue in your sin against God.
Questions to consider:
- When we are asking to know God’s will, what kinds of things are we usually asking about? How would aligning our will with God’s will make so many of those decisions easier?
- Is it possible to sin without first disregarding God’s will? What are some different reasons or ways we might disregard God (e.g. ignorance, carelessness, rebellion, etc.)? How great is His mercy and grace to us through Christ?!
- How would a higher reverence for God and a greater appreciation for the gift of our salvation help us to grow in holiness?