Today’s passage: 1 Timothy 4:1-5
Helpful thoughts:
- The false doctrines described in these verses are not those of people who do not call themselves Christian or who do not go to what would call itself “church”.
- There are people who call themselves Christians and who go to and lead “churches” who have left the faith and preach and practice false doctrines. This is terribly sad, but it should not surprise us.
- “Later times” means after the Messiah came. Those later times had already started when Paul wrote this letter.
- The context of verse 4’s declaration has to do with foods after certain challenges concerning dietary laws. (See Acts 10:9-16)
- Food being made holy by the Word of God is not a formula to read over food to cleanse it. It was cleansed by God’s declaration in Acts 10. Our prayer of thanksgiving is the evidence of our gratitude for God’s provision. It is only when we eat or drink against our conscience that we sin (Romans 14:23).
- Remember, we are not cleansed by the foods we eat, but by the blood of Christ.
Questions to consider:
- What should the reality of false doctrines, false teachers and false churches stir up in us concerning our understanding of the Word of God? How do true believers grow in discernment of right and wrong doctrine and practice?
- When we wonder how people could possibly preach a false gospel and hurt people, what does verse 2 give us to answer that question? If their consciences are seared, will they even think what they are doing is wrong? What do many of these false teacher think they are doing?
- What is behind false teachings and false doctrines? Is it just accidental? Is it just mankind going astray? What does verse 1 call these false teachings? How serious is this battle for truth and who all is involved? (Ephesians 6:12)