Today’s passage: 2 Corinthians 3:1-6
Helpful thoughts:
- Paul’s qualification or role as an Apostle was being questioned by the church. The very existence of the church and its growth was evidence of Paul’s calling.
- The New Covenant is written of in the Old Testament in Ezekiel 36:26-27. The Corinthians believers were benefactors and participants (As we are) of this New Covenant.
- Paul used the term “Minister” instead of Apostle in this passage. Many of the things Paul did to serve the church are things we can and should still do today to carry on the task of building up the church.
- The letter of the law does not give people the ability to obey. It simply instructs us concerning our inability and guilt. The Spirit gives life, freedom, and the ability to follow after God.
Questions to consider:
- Why was the obvious working of God better than a letter from a man? While references can certainly be a good thing today when we get to know people (Especially candidates for ministry roles), how should we always weigh those references?
- How was Paul made “sufficient” to be a minister of the New Covenant? How are any of us made sufficient? When we are obedient to minister (And the word in the Greek could be translated as a “servant”) who are we putting our confidence in to bear fruit?
- How does the grace of the New Covenant (Saved by grace through faith in Christ), eliminate legalism? Why are we able to encourage and teach obedience without being legalistic? What comes first, justification or obedience?