Today’s passage: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4
Helpful thoughts:
- This second letter to the church in Thessalonica shares many of the same content and themes of the first. It is the same church, but they are growing.
- Paul emphasizes the church’s continued growth, love and endurance during persecution…and thanks God for it. These things are all gifts of God’s grace. We “ought” to praise Him for it (Verse 3).
- These Christians were not just surviving in the faith during persecution, they were thriving. The were growing “abundantly”.
Questions to consider:
- Where does our identity, peace, growth, love come from? How does this come from and grow out of the Gospel?
- How would a greater appreciation and praise of the Lord be an indicator of growth? How would an attitude of patting myself on the back for my “growth” be an indicator that perhaps I haven’t grown at all?
- This might be a tough question…but, what are the benefits of persecution?