Today’s passage: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Helpful thoughts:
- Our enemy works through false teaching/false writings. Just because something was written and published for the Christian book store doesn’t mean that it is biblical. We must be careful to know the Word of God and to discern everything else against its truth.
- The “Man of lawlessness” and “Son of destruction” is the Anti-Christ.
- The reason why the Anti-Christ has not appeared in the world still today is because God has not allowed it. God is not observing and then reacting to anything. He is in control.
Questions to consider:
- Why will the perishing perish? What choice did they make? What did they refuse?
- What will happen to those who have already willfully rejected the true Christ when the Anti-Christ comes? Who will they readily worship?
- As powerful as Satan and the Anti-Christ will be, how successful will they be against Jesus Christ? What will Jesus have to do to defeat them?