Today’s passage: Colossians 2:6-8
Helpful thoughts:
- We received Jesus by grace through faith. We walk in Him by grace through faith.
- Knowing this and seeing the results of God’s continued kindness to us results in thanksgiving! He gets the glory and praise.
- To understand what it means to be taken “captive,” imagine a pirate ship catching up to you and boarding your boat, then stealing all of your possessions. They took control of your ship, stopped your progress and took all that you had accumulated.
- The word translated as “spirits” can also be translated as “principles.” Paul is warning the church to not adhere to the world’s view of life, to maintain a distinctively biblical worldview.
Questions to consider:
- Who is Jesus to you? What word did Paul emphasize in verse 6? Why is it important we acknowledge Jesus in this way?
- In what ways do the “pirates” take us captive? What are the means Paul mentions in verse 8 of being taken?
- How do the common worldviews of today contrast and disagree with what the Bible teaches? How does salvation by grace through faith, sanctification by grace through faith, and Jesus as Lord compare to a culture of self-help, self-esteem and self-empowerment? Why is the biblical worldview so freeing?