Today’s passage: Colossians 2:9-15
Helpful thoughts:
- Jesus is fully God and fully man.
- He is not 50% God and 50% man.
- He is not 200% of a being. (100% God + 100% man)
- He is fully God and fully man.
- Because Christ is in us and we are in Him (“you have been filled in him.”) there is nothing else we could possibly need! If you have Jesus, you have everything.
- There are two illustrations in this passage:
- Circumcision – OT Circumcision was a cutting off of the flesh which pictured whose the people were. This illustration of circumcision points to the cutting off of “the flesh” (Meaning, the “old self,” or our sinful past, being slaves to sin).
- Baptism – When the person is immersed, there is a picture of our “old self” dying and then being raised to new life (Romans 6:4).
Questions to consider:
- In what ways is Jesus better than anything else we could want in this life?
- What is the main point of the illustrations of circumcision and baptism in this passage? What was the single point Paul was making with both illustrations?
- How was our sin debt canceled? Why have we been forgiven? What did Christ do for us?