Today’s passage: Daniel 10:1-14
Helpful thoughts:
- This final vision in the book of Daniel happened two years after he was visited by Gabriel. Daniel is now about 85 years old. Realize, Daniel had these kinds of experiences a total of eight times in his life. This wasn’t happening every day.
- The man who Daniel saw at the river was quite possibly God. These Old Testament appearances are called “Theophanies” and we believe these appearances are probably that of the Messiah prior to His human birth.
- The man who comes in verse 10 to speak to Daniel is a second man. Perhaps this was Gabriel again.
- The information from this vision will take up all of chapters 11 and 12.
- There are a few things we learn about angels in this passage:
- They are real.
- There are angels who serve God and angels who oppose Him.
- There is a battle going on. (Ephesians 6:12)
- They can influence the affairs of humans (Including governments and their leaders).
- They have assignments and focus their attention on regions and nations.
Questions to consider:
- What are some of the unique things that Daniel saw and experienced during this theophany? What effects did it have on him? How does this experience compare to the many times people today say they have experienced “God things” or “God moments”?
- Is the fight for righteousness and the glory of God in our life all about us? Who else is involved in this battle? Do they appear to be casual and nonchalant in their approach?
- How can this passage encourage you to fight for righteousness in your life before our holy God?