Today’s passage: Daniel 1:1-7
Helpful thoughts:
- If you would like to read the narratives of the Babylonian conquest of Judah, read 2 Kings 23:36-25:30 and 2 Chronicles 36:1-21.
- King Nebuchadnezzar wanted for himself the best of the best, according to his own wisdom, and make them “better” by teaching them how to become Babylonian in every way.
- The four young men’s name changes mattered a great deal:
- Daniel (God is my judge) became Belteshazzar (May the lord protect his life).
- The “lord” being a Babylonian god and “his life” being the life of King Nebuchadnezzar…
- Hananiah (Yahweh has been gracious) became Shadrach (Command of Aku)
- Aku was the moon god of the Babylonians.
- Mishael (Who is what God is?) became Meshach (Who is what Aku is?)
- Azariah (Yahweh is my help) became Abednego (Servant of Nebo)
- Nebo (Or Nabu) was the second highest god in Babylon after his father, Marduk.
- Daniel (God is my judge) became Belteshazzar (May the lord protect his life).
Questions to consider:
- Having just defeated Judah, what would Nebuchadnezzar’s understanding have been concerning the strength of his gods versus the strength of the God of Judah?
- Do you think Nebuchadnezzar was intimidated or did he think he was doing these noble/royal young men a huge favor by attempting to turn them into Babylonians?
- Why was he wrong? Who decreed that Babylon would conquer Judah? Which God would prove victorious?
- If God is your God, what can’t anyone ever take away from you?