Today’s passage: Daniel 2:25-30
Helpful thoughts:
- Arioch declares his victory before the king, “I have found…”
- In a moment when Daniel could also seek to receive glory, he points Nebuchadnezzar to the real hero, the Lord.
- In pointing to the need for God’s intervention, Daniel agrees with what the previous wise men declared from verses 10-11.
- What the wise men and false gods of the Babylonians were proven powerless to do, God was able.
- Daniel assumes the role of a servant, not a superstar.
Questions to consider:
- Before Daniel even begins to relay the dream and its meaning, what all has he taught King Nebuchadnezzar?
- Who should the king have been most impressed by after hearing what is to come?
- Why would it be ironic to read a passage like this and go no further than to simply be enamored with Daniel? To whom was Daniel trying to point the king?