Today’s passage: Daniel 2:31-45
Helpful thoughts:
- In today’s passage, Daniel shares the contents and the meaning of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
- Here are the probable kingdoms/empires represented in the statue:
- The head of gold=Babylon
- The chest and arms of silver=Medo-Persia
- The belly to thighs of bronze=Greece
- The legs of iron=Rome
- The feet and toes of iron and clay=The future gathering of nations led by the Anti-Christ
- The stone=The kingdom of God led by Jesus Christ
- The “Stone” kingdom will be set up by God and will never be destroyed!
Questions to consider:
- Who made Nebuchadnezzar the greatest king on the earth at that time? Who will make the kingdom that will never be destroyed?
- Who gave this dream, revealed it and made it’s meaning to be known? (Have all of these things happened so far? Has God been right or wrong?)
- Why can Daniel confidently say, “The interpretation is sure.”? Why can we be so confident that these things yet to come are going to happen? Where, or with Whom does our confidence lie?
- What matters in your life have you entrusted to our all-powerful and faithful God? (One of them is your salvation!) Are there any matters you have you withheld from Him?