Today’s passage: Daniel 5:13-31
Helpful thoughts:
- Daniel gives Belshazzar a little history lesson on humility and the sovereignty of the Most High God.
- Belshazzar was responsible to be humble before God. It didn’t matter whether he believed in God or not. God exists and is on the throne whether people want to acknowledge that or not. (Acts 17:30, Romans 1:18-20)
- The great empire of Babylon parties to glory in their riches and power, and is then destroyed and taken over by another in one night.
- Historians have found that the Persians invaded that night precisely because of the festival they knew was taking place.
- They marched into the city and were warmly received by many people of the city (Belshazzar was regarded as a wicked king even in his own empire).
Questions to consider:
- What is different in the way Daniel initially responds to Belshazzar compared to how he spoke to Nebuchadnezzar? What might have made Daniel so quick to disregard the king’s offer for gifts and rewards (Besides the fact that the kingdom was about to be conquered)? What was his motive to answer the king’s request? How was Daniel’s disinterest in reward and power different than the king?
- To which God is Belshazzar responsible? Was he ever going to have to stand before the judgment of the gods of gold, wood, etc.?
- What does pride and the desire for praise do to our relationships? Our ability to lead?