Today’s passage: Deuteronomy 30
Helpful thoughts:
- The eternally omniscient God knew Israel would experience blessing and curse (They would rebel against Him). He also foretold their repentance, restoration, future obedience and blessing.
- The obedience of any people, or any person, requires the grace of God (verse 6).
- The idea of the “circumcision of the heart” (God graciously changing His people’s hearts, is referenced again in Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel 36:26-27, Romans 2:25-29 and Colossians 2:11.
- God revealed His Word to His people and by grace through faith, they were enabled to follow the Lord (Romans 10:6-8). To choose God is to choose life. To choose God is to love God.
Questions to consider:
- How far into the future would the original audience of this passage of Scripture have naturally been thinking? How far into the future do we see examples of God doing these things throughout the rest of Scripture? In what way could this chapter yet be fulfilled in the future?
- In what way is our obedience directly related to God’s free gift of grace, resulting in a change of heart? How does this relate to the gospel and our salvation?