Today’s passage: Ephesians 4:1-10
Helpful thoughts:
- The “Therefore” in 4:1 could really be related to all of chapters 1-3. We have moved from learning doctrinal truth to the application of truth.
- Walking in a manner worthy of the Gospel includes:
- Humility
- Gentleness
- Patience
- Forbearing love (Sacrificially loving others within the church even when they might make it tough to do so)
- Eagerly maintaining unity
- Our unity comes through the fact that we have all been saved the same way by the same Lord for the same ultimate purpose.
- We were held captive by our sin. Now we are captive to Christ.
Questions to consider:
- Why is it so important that we remain Gospel-Centered as a church? How does the Gospel keep us all humbled and focused on the right things?
- Are you always bearing with others or are there ways that you know others have had to bear with you in love as well? Why do we tend towards forgetting that we need the love of God and the love of others as well?
- How does your blessed captivity to Christ give you a blessed purpose? Why is your captivity to Christ better than self-willed freedom? (And, why might we struggle with that last question?)