Today’s passage: Exodus 27
Helpful thoughts:
- Three more elements of the Tabernacle are commanded and explained in today’s chapter:
- The Bronze Altar
- This was the altar for burnt sacrifices.
- When we read in other passages about grabbing the horns of the altar or worshiping at the horns of the altar, this is what the passages are referring to (1 Kings 1:50, Psalm 118:27).
- The Court
- This court was an area which enclosed the Tabernacle.
- Entrance and exit of the court and Tabernacle was always to be to the East.
- This was true of the Garden of Eden as well (Genesis 3:24).
- The metals used for each element were less valuable the further away from the Most Holy Place they were.
- Oil for the Lamp
- The people were to bring oil for the lamps continually, so that they would never go out.
- The Bronze Altar
Questions to consider:
- What should the command to continually bring oil for the lamps have resulted in? What would the people have to do to keep those lamps burning? Is our worship a once-in-a-while occasion?
- How might Zechariah 14:4 further expound on the importance of entering the Tabernacle from the east? How is God continuing to undo the consequence of sin which caused man to be removed from fellowship with Him through the eastern gate?