Today’s passage: Ezekiel 3:16-27
Helpful thoughts:
- Ezekiel is declared a watchman, commissioned to warn the people of coming judgment.
- He would bear responsibility if he ever chose to refrain from communicating God’s Word.
- Both the wicked and the righteous need warning against sin.
- To give Ezekiel’s prophecies even more perceived gravity, God prevents Ezekiel from being able to speak at all until it is time for him to speak God’s Word.
- I say “perceived” gravity because God’s Word is never less important, we only ever perceive it to be more or less important.
Questions to consider:
- How did the impact of Ezekiel’s experience in seeing the glory of God and being commissioned to speak His word differ from what so many have tried to describe in books and movies in our time? Does this passage appear to preach any kind of prosperity Gospel?
- What would have been the hardships of Ezekiel’s experience thus far in this book? How would you like to carry the responsibility of having people’s “blood required at your hand” or to become mute in order to be a spokesman for the Lord?
- At the same time, what an honor for Ezekiel to be given this responsibility! What would have been the joys of Ezekiel’s experience thus far in this book? How would Ezekiel’s knowledge of God’s glory have changed the way he saw the “hardships?”