Today’s passage: Ezekiel 32
Helpful thoughts:
- There are two statements against Egypt in this chapter: Verses 1-16 and 17-32.
- In verses 1-16, the Pharaoh (Who sees himself as a mighty lion) is instead likened to a dragon (Or possible a crocodile in the Nile River). His destruction will later result in the healing of the land (Verse 14).
- In verses 17-32, Egypt joins the other nations whom the Lord has judged in the “Pit,” or the place of the dead (Verse 18). All of the nations whom Israel and Judah had abandoned the Lord for will be dead in the grave.
Questions to consider:
- What was the nature of Pharaoh’s blindness to the reality of who he was and who God is? Where would he have thought his power came from? Why was he doing the wrong things even if he thought he was doing the right things?
- Why would it matter then that Pharaoh (And all Egypt…and all the world) would know that God is the LORD?
- In what way would the knowledge of the Lord among the nations bring gladness (Psalm 67:4)? What is the greatest importance of missions to the nations (Matthew 28:19-20)?