Today’s passage: Ezekiel 34
Helpful thoughts:
- In today’s prophecy, the leaders of Israel are rebuked as bad shepherds who use their sheep for their own selfish gain. God promises to shepherd His own sheep in righteousness and justice.
- Jesus, God the Son and the King of Kings from David’s line, is our Good Shepherd! (John 10:11-18)
- The reference to David is to his line, his throne. Not necessarily David himself.
- When the Good Shepherd and Davidic King is on the throne (Jesus Christ), there will be a covenant of peace. God’s people will live in peace, showered with blessings, and God will be with His people and they will know the LORD is their God!
Questions to consider:
- God calls these sinful leaders of Israel, “Shepherds” but then also says in verse 8, “there was no shepherd.” What does it mean to truly shepherd a group of people? Does holding a position or title make someone a leader? What must shepherd leaders do to truly shepherd people?
- Why can God say, “I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep” (Verse 15) and “I will set up over them one shepherd?” How is our shepherd BOTH a descendant of king David AND God Himself at the same time? How is that possible? Who is being promised here in this Old Testament prophecy?
- When the world looks like it is moving further away from the Lord, toward sin, destruction and conflict, why can Christians have peace of mind? What do we know will be the end of all this? Who is the hero who will bring it about? Who can you share the good news of the Good Shepherd with today?