Today’s passage: Ezekiel 36:1-21
Helpful thoughts:
- Wayne Grudem defines God’s jealousy as “continually seeking to protect His own honor.”
- A righteous jealousy will result in protecting or being watchful of that which is yours and under your care, as a husband or wife should be for their spouse or their children.
- The way people often use the word, “Jealousy” today is really more like the biblical idea of “Coveting.”
- A righteous jealousy will result in protecting or being watchful of that which is yours and under your care, as a husband or wife should be for their spouse or their children.
- Surrounding nations (Like Edom) scoffed at Israel in her despair and destruction. God promises that these surrounding nations would suffer reproach and Israel would later be restored.
- God is concerned for His holy name (Verse 21). Because God’s name must be honored, sinful Israel was scattered. Because God’s name must be honored, Israel will be restored and blessed as never before.
Questions to consider:
- It is an immense blessing that God is jealous for His people! Who would we rather have as our Lord, Savior, Caretaker, etc.? What would be better than honoring our good, loving and righteous Creator?
- Why is it good that God is for His glory? Why is it best for us for God to be about His glory? If God gave us something else, would it be as satisfying and joy-filled? When you truly love someone, do you give them what they want if what they want isn’t best? What is the best thing God can give to His people?
- Was it the land’s fault the nation was suffering (Verses 12-14)? What was the reason for the downfall of Israel (Verse 17)? Then…what is God going to have to do to make Israel a great place to be? (The answer is coming in the rest of this chapter and in chapter 37)