Today’s passage: Ezekiel 37
Helpful thoughts:
- There are two major sections in this chapter:
- The Valley of Dry Bones (Verses 1-14)
- The word for “breath” can also mean “wind”…or “spirit.”
- Through the preaching of a servant, God brings to life those who were dead. This serves as a picture (See question 1 below).
- The Uniting of all Israel (Verses 15-28)
- This prophecy speaks of the Kingdom of Israel after Christ’s return.
- Christ is the Davidic King, from the House of David.
- The Valley of Dry Bones (Verses 1-14)
Questions to consider:
- Compare the promises of this passage with Ephesians 2:1-10 and John 3:7-8. What is being described here in Ezekiel 37? How does life come to those who are dead?
- Why is it fitting that God receive all the glory for our salvation?
- There are some that suggest the nation of Israel as we see it today is the fulfillment of verses 15-28. What parts of this passage make that impossible? Is modern day Israel led by Christ? Are they walking in God’s rules? What will this kingdom be like when God fulfills His promises?