Today’s passage: Ezekiel 42
Helpful thoughts:
- For dimensions that are more familiar, you can read these passages in the Christians Standard Bible translation.
- Today’s chapter describes the outer courts of the temple building with all the chambers.
- The purpose and use of the chambers is described in verse 13.
- The priests had been given portions of the offerings for food in the law (e.g. Leviticus 2:3)
- The purpose and use of the chambers is described in verse 13.
- This temple will be the largest of all the temples that preceded it, approximately 850 ft. squared.
- For reference, the Capitol building in Washington D.C. is about 750 ft. long by 350 ft. deep. So, add another 100 feet or so to the length, and make it square.
Questions to consider:
- If Christ was sacrificed for our sin once and for all (Hebrews 10:1-18), why would there be any need of sacrifices during the Millennial Kingdom? (This article is helpful, especially the final paragraph)
- We often think of Christ’s sacrifice atoning for our sin and our guilt. How did Christ fulfill the grain offering, which was given to show God’s provision and sustaining of life to His people (John 6:35)?