Today’s passage: Obadiah 10-14
Helpful thoughts:
- After nine verses of prophesied judgment, God gives the reason for Edom’s future demise.
- Edom should have treated Judah as a brother. Instead they were an enemy.
- There are eight “Do not” rebukes in this passage.
Questions to consider:
- What are the different sinful actions and attitudes that Edom committed? What should they have done?
- In Luke 10:29-37, Jesus answers the question, “Who is my neighbor?” with the parable of the good Samaritan. The Jews did not like the Samaritans and the Samaritans didn’t like the Jews. How can this parable help us to rightly apply this passage today in Obadiah?
- Is there someone you know who is presently suffering? How could you be a help and show the love of Christ to them today? And, for the children: If you see someone being bullied or made fun of at school today, how can you apply today’s passage?