Today’s passage: Galatians 3:23-29
Helpful thoughts:
- “We” is referring to the Jewish people.
- The word translated as “guardian” is where we get the word pedagogue from. This tutor was a strict disciplinarian, keeping the pupil in strict order during their schooling years.
- In Christ, regardless of your ethnicity, gender, or economic background, you are considered a graduate, no longer under the tutor. All followers of Jesus Christ are considered full grown, mature heirs of the Father according to the promise.
Questions to consider:
- If we look at people differently and expect them to have a greater or lesser chance of becoming a Christian, what have we forgotten?
- How can Abraham be your father even if you are a Gentile?
- If in Christ, you have already graduated from the school of the Law, how should you view obedience and righteousness? Why should we keep growing in righteousness?